Source Naturals, 深海魚油,1000毫克,200粒軟膠囊
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- Dietary Supplement
- Marine Lipids with EPA & DHA
- Maintains Normal Cholesterol Levels
OmegaEPA Fish Oil is an excellent source of fish oils, rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3's have been the subject of intensive research, due to repeated observations that people whose diets are hi髮旺旺gh in fatty fish tend to be healthier than other populations. The most important omega-3 fatty acids are EPA and DHA. Preliminary scientific evidence suggests EPA may help maintain normal cholesterol levels when consumed as part of a low fat and low cholesterol dietary program. DHA is an important component of brain tissue.
,Source Naturals, 深海魚油,1000毫克,200粒軟膠囊